Quotes About Success

The road maps towards your victory

I love to read other peoples quotes about success because it helps me to realize that it is possible to achieve all that I have residing within my heart and soul to achieve.

These historical quotes about success are your blueprints to heading in the right direction and creating that life that you have longed for in your mind.

The easiest way to motivate another individual is through stories, examples and clear evidences that someone else has gone before them and accomplished that same type of ordeal.

Repetitive learning is a brilliant concept because we are creatures of habit.

Just by knowing that someone else has been there before us gives us a heightened sense of comfort and trust in that system.

Success quotes are the fairy tales that came true and the hope that you can be the next person.

They are the essence statements that took many from the gutter most to the utter most point in their lives.

I have read and watched many interviews where successful people were asked how they accomplished the various tasks in their lives.

The words that they shared instantly became immortalized in stone for the world to see.

The power of surmising an accomplishment into a brief series of words is powerful and can change many people’s lives in an instance.

I am reminded when I sat down with my grandfather, who is in his early 80’s now and still working a full day standing on his feet.

He began sharing with me what he used to earn back in the day while working three jobs with 10 children and a wife depending on him.

You would really have to know his quiet personality to experience the power in his statement, but he said as a matter of fact that it is not what a man makes, but what he does with it that matters.

He went on to say how he has always managed to have everything he ever needed for his family by putting them first above all things.

I must have replayed his statements to myself a hundred times over the course of many years and once I became a husband and father I finally figured it out.

His quotes about success lead me to fully comprehend that a real man puts his family at the front of everything he does.

A real man honors and provides for his family without question knowing that Creation will take care of him.

I knew I could trust his success quotes because he is one of the most successful men I have known in my life.

He sent 7 children to college and the additional 3 to technical trade schools while running two diners and working as a barber.

I was raised in a family full of success quotes and great men.

My grandfather’s oldest child, my father, was an USAF pilot who retired as a Colonel and is still working fulltime on his second career and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

He taught me the detailed inner workings on how a man is supposed to conduct himself in all situations and plains. He has a quiet demeanor, unless angered.

He taught me more through his silent examples and actions then sharing a multitude of words.

I have heard many people who have known my father speak about him and the consensus success quote that best defines him is that he is indeed a hard man, but also a fair one.

When I feel like giving up or throwing in the towel I think back to the many quotes of success that these men in my life have shared with me and I get up and get moving once again.

Failure is simply not an option for me and I will not let it be for you either.

The world at large is full of many stories about individuals that are surmised into great and powerful quotes about success.

With the information highway that you now have access to your searches are only limited by the time you choose to spend utilizing this tool for your own growth and development.

Take the time now to look into other peoples step by step quotes to guarantee your success in this world.

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Photos courtesy of artist Anthony K. Wilson, Sr.

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