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Inspiration Newsletter, Issue #005 --2015 is All about You...
January 28, 2015
Your life changing tomorrow starts today...

Positive Inspiration Motivation

Hello Friend,

We are almost one month into 2015 and you should be clear on your objectives and directions. You have been believing for great things to happen in your life and you have released your intentions to the Universe.

The key now is sitting back with an unmoving confidence knowing that you will have that thing and so much more.

Understand that there are millions of ways for Creation to make it so in your life, so don’t delay your delivery by getting in your own way.

Don’t worry about the details of how it is going to come to pass.

Don’t be so attached to the thing that you let doubt and fear enter your mind and thought process.

Ignore the negative thoughts of “what if I don’t get my thing” as the key to meeting this objective is knowing that you know you are going to have whatever it is you are believing for in your life.

Enjoy the journey as the delivery date can be at any time so be encouraged and excited, which are the necessary emotions that make the delivery time that much more accelerated.

Think of it this way; you don’t focus and will your heart to beat 24/7 or your eyes to blink accordingly, they just do.

This autopilot response is how everything in your life you are believing for should be viewed.

Simply state it, forget about it and know it is coming your way and watch how amazed you will be at your ability to have all those awesome things and experiences you have been dreaming about in your life.

Thanks again for your continued support.

If you like what you see please share us with a friend.

Have an awesomely blessed day,

Anthony, Sr.

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